Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating RabbitMQ Options Other posts in this series: * A primer * Evaluating Stripe Options * Evaluating SendGrid Options * Evaluating RabbitMQ Options * Evaluating Coupling * Async Workflow Options * Process Manager Solution In the last post, we looked at dealing with an API in SendGrid that basically only allows at-most-once calls. We can't undo anything, and
Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating SendGrid Options Other posts in this series: * A primer * Evaluating Stripe Options * Evaluating SendGrid Options * Evaluating RabbitMQ Options * Evaluating Coupling * Async Workflow Options * Process Manager Solution In the last post, we found we had the full gamut of options for coordinating our distributed activity: We could ignore the failure (and have money
Architecture Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating Stripe Options Other posts in this series: * A primer * Evaluating Stripe Options * Evaluating SendGrid Options * Evaluating RabbitMQ Options * Evaluating Coupling * Async Workflow Options * Process Manager Solution In the last post, I looked at a common problem in web applications - accepting payments via 3rd party APIs (in this case, Stripe). We saw
New Year, New Blog One of my resolutions this year was to take ownership of my digital content, and as such, I've launched a new blog at I'm keeping all my existing content on Los Techies, where I've been humbled to be a part of for
Architecture Refactoring Towards Resilience: A Primer Other posts in this series: * A primer * Evaluating Stripe Options * Evaluating SendGrid Options * Evaluating RabbitMQ Options * Evaluating Coupling * Async Workflow Options * Process Manager Solution Recently, I sat down to help a team to put in some resiliency in a payment page. This payment page used Stripe as its payment gateway.