
DDD with Vertical Slice Architecture

Designing complex mission-critical systems can be challenging, and building them even more. Over dozens of projects for over 15 years, I've help teams build, deploy, and maintain systems successfully using Domain-Driven Design and Vertical Slice Architecture that enables maintainable code for the long term. This course focuses on refactoring a system using Vertical Slice Architecture, along with all the associated patterns, tools, and libraries. We cover:

  • Refactoring an existing system to leverage Vertical Slice Architecture
  • Applying Domain-Driven Design techniques to model complex business needs
  • Communication between slices
  • Communication between bounded contexts
  • Exploring Validation and Testing aspects using Vertical Slice Architecture
  • Examining various design patterns, code smells, and refactoring techniques
  • Implementing the Vertical Slice Architectural pattern in various enterprise application scenarios (minimal APIs, Blazor, Web APIs, etc.)
  • Studying distributed systems patterns, tools, and libraries such as NServiceBus

Domain-Driven Design: Theory and Practice

Understand the concepts of DDD but feeling overwhelmed to implement? Feeling overwhelmed by complex examples and can't connect how to implement DDD in your project? Looking for more concrete guidance on the concepts and principles of DDD and want to learn how to connect it to real-world code?

If this sounds familiar, then this workshop is for you. We cover both the theory and patterns of Domain-Driven Design, and connect it to code with hands-on examples in modern .NET. In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • Where DDD fits in to software delivery and what business problems it addresses
  • When to use DDD and when not to use it
  • How to craft and enforce a ubiquitous language
  • The fundamental modeling building blocks
  • The role of refactoring in shaping and reshaping our model
  • How to define bounded contexts and microservices
  • Realizing a pragmatic implementation with ASP.NET Core and EF Core