About Me

Hi, I'm Jimmy Bogard. I'm a software developer, architect, consultant, author, blogger, OSS maintainer, trainer, and speaker. I've worked at startups, product companies, corporate IT shops, and consulting firms.

I started out in the software world back in 2000, building websites with FrontPage 2000 and ASP and moved on to building web apps with .NET when it released. Since then, I've shipped systems in just about every industry.

Over the years, I've strived to improve how I and my teams deliver value to the clients, customers, and end-users. That has led me down the path of exploring Agile, Domain-Driven Design, REST, messaging, distributed systems, and anything else I thought could help.

Along the way, I've tried to share what I've learned, blogging, speaking, and training. I also share OSS projects that I've built and used along the way, including AutoMapper, MediatR, and Respawn. Because of those efforts, I've received the Microsoft MVP award every year since 2009, and NServiceBus Champ.

These days, I'm independent consultant helping teams build more resilient, maintainable, agile systems.